Is it permissible to eat sweets with Carmine in or any other product ?


Is it permissible to eat sweets with Carmine in or any other product ?


الجواب حامداً و مصلياً

Carmine is a brilliant red colour derived from cochineal (E120) which is a (crushed) insect source and therefore is not permissible to consume in food and drink products.

However, jurists consider such insects as being pure (Tahir), even though they are impermissible to consume. Thus, the colour pigment derived from these insects is permissible for usage in products such as dyes, inks, paints and cosmetic products which are only used externally and not for consumption.

167/4: و في رد المحتار

وَفِي التَّتَارْخَانِيَّة : دُودُ لَحْمٍ وَقَعَ فِي مَرَقَةٍ لَا يُنَجِّسُ وَلَا تُؤْكَلُ الْمَرَقَةُ إنْ تَفَسَّخَ الدُّودُ فِيهَا ا هـ أَيْ : لِأَنَّهُ مَيْتَةٌ وَإِنْ كَانَ طَاهِرًا .
قُلْت : وَبِهِ يُعْلَمُ حُكْمُ الدُّودِ فِي الْفَوَاكِهِ وَالثِّمَارِ .

And Allah Knows Best

Answered by FCB Fatwa Department