
The Fiqh Council Birmingham (FCB) was established to serve the Muslim community's religious needs. The work of the FCB has become more varied over time encompassing Islamic education and training of Islamic scholars and Imams. Another important aspect of the FCB's work is in providing an Islamic mediation service to help resolve family disputes related to Nikah (Islamic marriage), Talaq (Islamic divorce), Khula (mutually agreed Islamic divorce), Faskh (dissolution of Islamic marriage) etc. The Council's panel of Islamic scholars, some of whom have approaching 30 years’ experience in serving the Muslim community and includes those who have formally trained in Fatwa, Qadha and English law, bring their collective learning, expertise and experience to help deal with the often difficult and complex issues involved in marital breakdown. Please see Our Scholars and FAQ sections for further information.

APPLICATION FORM: The Council accepts petitions regarding marital disputes in accordance to the teachings of the Islamic faith, an application form can be downloaded here.

The advice, guidance and rulings provided by the FCB regarding Nikah are from a religious perspective. The FCB does not deal with civil marriage contracts or civil divorce, rather for civil law matters pertaining to marriage and divorce, it is advisable to refer to a solicitor. The FCB endeavours to offer its services including faith based family mediation and arbitration within the broad principles of the 1996 Arbitration Act, to help provide a choice for those who wish to resolve a family dispute according to the precepts of their faith as responsible law abiding citizens. This form of alternative dispute resolution has been provided by the FCB over a number of years, some of the positive feedback received in this regard may be viewed in the section on Testimonials.

The FCB also works with other organisations including womens groups to try and help deal with broken, forced or abusive marriages. Free guidance and advice is provided on the issue of forced marriages by the FCB. A detailed and fully referenced FCB resource article for information and educational puposes is also available clarifiying that the practice of forcing women to marry against their wishes, is contrary to Islamic teachings:  What does Islam say on forced marriages ?

The FCB is a progressive and outward-facing Muslim organisation which promotes fundamental British values such as mutual respect and tolerance towards all faiths and none. The FCB work also extends to interfaith relations based in the UK as well as abroad to promote harmony and understanding between different faiths. The patron of the FCB is a member of the Government of Punjab Interfaith Harmony Committee. The FCB seeks to offer its services to the Muslim and wider communities without prejudice or discrimination irrespective of creed, colour, gender, race etc. and is determined to contribute to the greater good in the local, national and global community.