CATEGORY > Medical

When is an abortion permitted?


I am a mother of four young children all below 7, and have now fallen pregnant again. I work full-time to support my family and I am struggling to manage physically, emotionally and mentally. I would like to know if, under these specific circumstances, it would be permissible for me to consider abortion, particularly as I am still in the early stages of pregnancy (less than 120 days). I have consulted a medical professional and will continue to seek their advice about my health, but I wanted to ensure that any decision I make is also aligned with Islamic principles.


الجواب حامداً و مصلياً


Regarding the query mentioned, please note that where there is a genuine medical concern for one's mental and or physical health, an abortion is not impermissible before 120 days of pregnancy elapsing. And Allah knows best.


و في الموسوعة الكويتية- إجهاض (2:58)

...وَمِنْهُمْ مَنْ قَال بِالإْبَاحَةِ لِعُذْرٍ فَقَطْ، وَهُوَ حَقِيقَةُ مَذْهَبِ الْحَنَفِيَّةِ. فَقَدْ نَقَل ابْنُ عَابِدِينَ عَنْ كَرَاهَةِ الْخَانِيَّةِ عَدَمَ الْحِل لِغَيْرِ عُذْر، إِذِ الْمُحْرِمُ لَوْ كَسَرَ بَيْضَ الصَّيْدِ ضَمِنَ لأِنَّهُ أَصْل الصَّيْد.

Answered by FCB Fatwa Department