CATEGORY > Medical

Should doctors working in the NHS fast whilst caring for patients if there is risk of compromising their care?


Should doctors fast whilst caring for patients if there is risk of compromising their care? There is a particular focus towards surgeons who operate on patients usually under high pressure situations. Are they excused from doing so and deferring their fast to a later period.


In the situation described if during the fast there is any genuine risk of the patient’s care being compromised, for example at the time of an operation, it is permissible for the surgeon to break his fast.

Additionally, if prior to starting the fast it is deemed that there will be such a risk to the patient’s care based on personal experience or the experience of another practicing Muslim doctor, then in this situation the surgeon or doctor may excuse himself from fasting for that day.

In both the above cases of the broken and missed fast, Qadha (making up of the fast) is obligatory after Ramadhan. However, there is no Kaffarah (expiation) applicable.

460/3 رد المحتار على الدر المختار

وقال الرملي: وفي جامع الفتاوى: ولو ضعف عن الصوم لاشتغاله بالمعيشة فله أن يفطر ويطعم لكل يوم نصف صاع اه: أي إذا لم يدرك عدة من أيام أخر يمكنه الصوم فيها وإلا وجب عليه القضاء وعلى هذا الحصاد إذا لم يقدر عليه مع الصوم ويهلك الزرع بالتأخير لا شك في جواز الفطر والقضاء، وكذا الخباز.

And Allah Knows Best

Answered by FCB Fatwa Department